Danish CANS 2016 Workshop

DTU Risø campus, Roskilde, November 3rd 2016

From the workshop announcement:

"Danish participation in the construction and operation of ESS has spurred an interest in establishing a low-flux Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Source (CANS) in Denmark. To investigate the perspectives for such a facility and the interest among the Danish neutron user community we organize the Danish CANS Workshop 2016. The overall aim of the Workshop is to discuss the idea of establishing a national CANS and to examine its potential merits in support of research, education and innovation.

The Danish CANS Workshop 2016 aims at evaluating the interest in a CANS in the specific areas of:

  • Low-flux neutron scattering
  • Pre-experiment sample testing for ESS
  • Training and education
  • Instrument development
  • Industrial applications
  • Isotope production and Neutron Activation Analysis
We hope that you will be able to join the workshop. Please forward to colleagues that may have an interest in the field."

The workshop was held at Risø on November 3rd, 2016.

Final reports from the working groups are now available (April 25th, 2017):

A folder with slides from the workshop is available here

Other material from the workshop are available here

SpeakerPresentation topic

Jens-Peter Lynov,
Bent Lauritzen, DTU Nutech
Welcome, agenda, setup

Kurt Clausen,
Paul-Scherrer Institut (PSI)
Neutron Sources in Europe

Markus Strobl
European Spallation Source (ESS)
ESS & Regional Sources/CANS

David Baxter,
Indiana University/LENS (IU)
Research with neutrons at LENS (CANS in the International Neutron Ecosystem)

Masato OHNUMA Hokkaido University/HUNS, (HU)
Neutron as a daily tool towards the application to the steel industry

Mikael Jensen,
DTU Nutech
Isotope Production from Compact Neutron Sources

Created by Peter Willendrup< pkwi@fysik.dtu.dk> / Mon Nov 14 11:30:00 2016